Jeg ble så glad da jeg så at utfordringsblogen
"Scrap the boys" er oppe igjen en etter en pause. En super blog for oss som scrapper guttelayouter.
I was so happy to find that the challenge blog "Scrap the boys" are running again after a brake. A great blog for us who scrap boy layouts.Den første utfordringen (klippet fra blogen og ikke oversatt):
The first challenge (copied from the blog):For the first challenge we thought we would make it a nice easy one…but something our busy lives forget to do….and that is capture the vital information of your boy right now.
So for your layout I would like you to use a portrait shot, one of those “nothing photos” (you know that photo you love but does not have a story or event attached to it) and record your boy’s vital statistics right now making sure you add in some quirky facts about them.Her har dere Marinius, 10 1/2 år, mitt eldste barn.
I introduce: Marinius, 10 1/2 YO, my oldest kid.

Papirene er fra SEI. Jeg synes de er griselekre, og bare MÅTTE ha dem, jeg som aldri får scrappet i rosa. Men, men - jeg kan jo alltids klappe dem så lenge, mens jeg venter på flere anledninger til å skrappe med rosa :-)
The papers are from SEI. I think they are sooo pretty and just HAD TO have them - me who never have the chance to scrap with pink. Well, I guess I can pet them while waiting for another chance to scrap with pink.