mandag 30. mai 2011
Important message regarding my May Kit Give Away!
Thank you!
fredag 27. mai 2011
TGIF! eller endelig freda'n!!!
Don't forget I have a MyScrapbookNook May kit to give away here
Fotballcamp med størsten mandag, foreldremøte tirsdag, ikke noe på onsdag, seiltrening med minsten torsdag og vips! så var det fredagen igjen. Noen som kjenner seg igjen? Jeg satser på litt fint vær i helgen slik at det går an å drive litt hagearbeid, ellers får det bli innevær med scrapping - eller kanskje å rydde ut vintergardroben? For nå er det vel sommer?
Soccer match with oldest son on Monday, parent's meeting on Tuesday, nothing on Wednesday, sailing class with youngest son on Thursday and then by sudden! Friday again! Anyone who can relate? I want some nice weather this weekend so I can do some garden work, if not may be I can stay indoors and scrap - or clean out the winter wardrobe? Because it's summer now, right?
Eldstebarnet er ihuga forballspiller og på laget sitt får han testet de fleste plassene. Og da blir det mål innimellom også. Og som all store fotballspillere har han sitt eget uttrykk for å vise at han har nettet:
Oldest son is passionate when it comes to playing soccer and on his team he is allowed to try out different positions on the field - and that results in goals on occations. Like all the great soccer players he has his own way of showing that he has hit the goal:

Denne layouten er laget med basis i Skissedillaskisse nr 113. Jeg syntes den var utfordrende, men nå liker jeg utfordringer.... Takk Skissedilla for at dere fikk meg til å jobbe litt ekstra!
This layout is bases on Skissedilla's sketch #113. I found it challenges, but have I ever refused a good challenge? Thank you Skissedilla for making me work a little harder!
onsdag 25. mai 2011
Did you know... and a give away!!!
Not only have we the best kits and the most talented DT - see the left sidebar in my blog who the DT members are, but we have the most friendly Forum on earth, too.
The DT work hard to keep your mojo going! We have both classes and challenges, and we have a gallery too, also featuring the forum members work. Our DT and forum members do both layouts, cards and altered items!
Every month we give you several sketches, like this one made by DT member Jessy Christopher. It's lovely, isn't it? So I played with the May kit and came up with this:

You are hereby invited to visit our homepage, brows around, take a peek into the gallery and the Forum, and if you like what you see (which I'm sure you will), introduse yourself and enjoy a fun and inspiring community.
Oh, you want to know the give away? Scroll down for my previous post or click here :-)
A giveaway!!!
Would you like to win this fab May Kit from My Scrapbook Nook??
2. Subscribe for the MyScrapbooknook newsletter
2. Copy this entire information and post about this on your blog, together with the May kit picture and a link back to this post at Hilde/Scoobie's blog .
3. Make sure you also post the information about the current offer at the Nook listed below.
tirsdag 24. mai 2011
Back in business
DS11 is hooked on soccer. The story which explains why he didn't play at the school team from the beginning, why he took last season off and just played golf, is a long story. And I'm not going to bore you with details. Just beleive me - it had it's reasons!
But this february he was ready to go back, back to playing matches and he was even ready to join the school team. And they had open arms waiting for him - that is so heart warming.
And this is what the journaling is about!
This layout is my entry for this sketch challenge at Get Picky. Once again I found myself attracted to their challenges - they really make my mojo flow and make ideas pop! I bet you are like me: you browse a dusin of challenge blogs, and most of them you find completely uninteresting. But there are those who catch your attention every single time! Why is it like that? What make one challenge blog more attractive to you than other? The others aren't bad either, they are just not you, right? But this I know - Get Picky is one of my favs, and if I'm stuck in a route, their challenges push me forward!
Thank you Tanya and Nikky for providing us such lovely challenges, and thank you DT for beeing such a source for inspiration!
mandag 23. mai 2011
Me - a copycat!
Looking at other's work is also a great source for getting my brain start working - I find myself beeing inspired by design, colors, details etc ad the spin off effect is great. A tiny bow can make an idea pop up, then I get a new one, a third one etc etc
One of the challenges at last weekend's crop at MyScrapbookNook, was to be inspired by one spesific member layout. We picked this layout by Hippy-Chick/Pinkalishious/Sarah and asked the participants to make a layout with inspiration from the layout. In my example I used the design as my start point, but I could have used the colors, theme etc too - there were plenty to chose from.
My layout show DS8 with some of the local goats - the advantage of living on the country side is that there is plenty of cute creatures to visit and pet!
All materials from MyScrapbookNook May kit, except felt flowers.
So tell me, what inspires you? How do you get new ideas and keep up the mojo?
søndag 22. mai 2011
Fokusert - Focused
My youngest child at sailing school. He sucks up all the information like a sponge and is always very focused, even during theory class. He's a cutie pie!
Denne layouten er mitt bidrag til 15. mai-utfordringen hos Once Upon A Sketch. Denne gangen er journalling kriteriet som følger: "Your journalling should be typed (and remember it should be at least 1-2 lines long)".
This layout is my take on the May 15th challenge at Once Upon A Sketch. The journalling criteria this time is: "Your journalling should be typed (and remember it should be at least 1-2 lines long)".
Jeg følger meg forresten litt sånn scrappe-schizofren om dagen: ene dagen er det rette linjer, white space og minimalt med pynt , se f.eks gårsdagens innlegg, mens andre dager, som i dag, er det blomster, mønsterark og utfylte flater. Er det normal å være sånn?
I feel a kind of scrap schizofrenic these days: one day it's all about clean lines, white space and just a few embellies, like yesterday's post, but other days, like today, the only way to scrap is with patterned papers, flowers and no clean surfaces. Is it normal to have it like this?
lørdag 21. mai 2011
Utladet! / Discharged!
May 17th. Norway's national day. My 8 year old has had big expectations for a whole week. Finally at home after the children's pareade and the games he headed out in the sun. And this is what happened...
Denne layouten er laget ved hjelp av skisse #112 hos Skissedilla. Stikke over og ta en titt på den da vel :-)
This layout is made with sketch #112 at Skissedilla. Why don't you head over and take a look at it?
onsdag 18. mai 2011
How far do you dare go?
This is one of the challenges I hosted at MyScrapbookNook's crop this weekend. And here is my example, made with materials from their lovely May kit:

What about you? How far do you dare to ge when it comes to white space?
This is a bargain!
Tell a friend and if they sign up email us at and give us your friends name and we will give you a $5.00 store credit (if you sign up, I wouldn't mind you tell them I sent you *lol*). Good only while supplies last.

søndag 15. mai 2011
One sketch - two layouts!

I must admit, when I see the two layouts I've made with this sketch, I feel kind of scrap scizophrern: one layout is full of white space, and the other full of patterns and details. Judge yourself and tell me if I have this peronality disorder *lol*
Layout #1 is from our vacation in February where we visited this huge outdoor Aqualand in Canary Island. I found the May kit from MyScrapbookNook prefect for the photos - colorful and playful (Basic Grey).

Layout #2: I bought these paper line from Websters pages a while ago, not very sure about what I was going to use them for. But I thought, as I live by the sea side, they would be useful some day. And I was right: Last month DS8 asked if he could take sailing classes, and this paper line was just perfect for the photos. Flowers from Prima and Petaloo, ric rac ribbon from MME

Thank you for taking your time to vit my blog! I really apprechiate it!
lørdag 14. mai 2011
Spring is here!
So I have the MyScrapbookNook May Kit on my desk. It is just lovely! As we have a VC going on at the Nook it was perfect to use the kit for my excamples for the challenges. Like this layout, which is my example for a journaling challenge (you find the challenge here). It's all about The Spring Sign, but not about cherry trees in blossom as you might think from the photo. See below image for the entire journaling :-)

If you want to read the entire journaling, click on the images below to make them large so you can read them
In Norwegian:

And in English (Please have mercy with me, English is

not my mother's tongue, remember?):
I almost forgot to tell you: It's a prize involved in this challenge. We'll do a random drawing and the winner will get a May kit from My Scrapbooknook. What do you say? Are you tempted to give this challenge a try?
A foot note: the DT at Scrappehuset challenges 6 scrappers each month to scrap out of their usual style. I wasn't challenged on their blog, but because of my big mouth on FB. They seriously think I can't journal! Ha ha, I can do anything (except cutesey). Don't you think this layout proofs it?
torsdag 12. mai 2011
I haz a happy - and a sad
You know we have a Nook Virtual crop starting in a few hours? Here is the happy:
Lily Bee is our AWESOME grand prize sponsor. . .
Because LB "Picket Fence" will be featured in our next kit!
If you win the grand prize at this crop, you not only get to enjoy Picket Fence in your kit- but "This & That" and "Happily Lost" - complete collections!
Many of our other challenges will also have prizes- in fact, we will be giving away complete May kits for a few!
LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!! Where: here
Then it's the sad part:
You know I have an English Cocker spaniel, a black and white beauty. But did you know I had two dogs until this January? I had an thirteen year old, blue roan English Cocker Spaniel, which I had to let go as her age was showing clearly on her. It was a hard decision to make, but I wanted her to have pride and dignity left even on her last days, so we chose to put her down before she was too sick and heavy medicated.
Here is a layout about her and DS11 on her last night. I made this layout for the Nook Crop in February.

tirsdag 10. mai 2011
670 - just because
When you live like that, you quickly learn that you don't forget anything at the hotel when you are supposed to stay at the beach all day long :-)
A layout I made just for fun/just because, using a Nook kit from last summer.

søndag 8. mai 2011
I'm a teaser, I'm a teaser, I'm a teaser!!!
I hardly ever give you sneak peaks only, but today I feel like teasing you.
I'm going to you show you a few teasers from upcoming layouts, tell you from where I got the materials - and then tell you why I have made them. Are you curious?
Ok, here we go with the teasers:
Do you want to know from where I got the following, lovely scrap items?
- Basic Grey Hello Luscious Paper
- Webster’s Page’s threads
- American Crafts glitter thickers
- American Crafts molded rose brads
- Basic Grey notes/pieces
- Two lovely trims from May Arts
My Scrapbook Nook May kit:

Do you want to know why I can't show the layouts yet? It's because they are examples for two of the challenges we have for you on our VC (Virtual Crop) May 12th - 15th! I'm telling you - you don't want to miss that crop: we have plenty of cool challenges, lovely prizes - and there might even be kits to win the rumours say.

So why don't you pop over to our forum to learn more and join the fun. Nobody bites over there, in fact it must be the most friendly community in the whole scrap world, so don't be afraid!
Do we see you there?
lørdag 7. mai 2011
Ensom - lonely
Det kan være ensomt å være keeper innimellom, som på denne fotballturneringen forrige helg. Eldstebarnet.

The kick off for this layout was the April Inspiration Challenge #7 at Get picky. This month thay has, as they said themself:"a colour combo as well as a photo to provide your inspiration". The colors were perfect for this photos, and I chose to have a banner on my layout, as it was a dominant element in the inspiration photo.
Utgangspunktet for denne layouten er Get Picky's aprilutfordring #7 med fargekart og bilde å hente inspirasjon fra. Og fargene passet meg midt i blinket, samtidig som jeg syntes banneret på bildet var såpass dominerende at jeg ville ha med et på min layout også.

Thnk you for stopping by and for looking at my work.
Takk for at du tok deg tid til å kommen innom!
onsdag 4. mai 2011
Allergies/ Allergier
Først, tusen takk for all søte og oppmuntrede kommentare til min forrige layout der jeg brukte blomster. De som kjenner meg vet at jeg synes det er dødvanskelig, rett og fordi jeg lager guttelayouter eller layouter om guttegreier, og blomster er ikke særlig macho...

So while still having a moment of self confidence, I made a new layout using flowers (!!!). This layout is my entry for the May 1th Challenge at Once Upon A ... Sketch. As usual Nadia Canizzo has provides us with a lovely sketch and a the following journaling criteria: write your journalling on a journalling spot (if you are making a card or altered project you use a quote on a journalling spot instead of journalling). Please head over to have look at the sketch and all the lovely DT examples!
Så, når jeg var litt oppesen og fortsatt hadde selvtilliten i orden, lagde jeg likegreit en layout til med blomster (!!!). Denne layouten er mitt bidrag til 1. mai-utfordringen hos Once Upon A ... Sketch. Som vanlig har Nadia Cannizzo laget en flott skisse og så har hun følgende journaling kriteritum i tillegg: Bruk en "Jorunaling spot" til å skrive journalingen på denne gangen (noen som har et godt adekvat norsk synonym for Journaling Spot?). Ta deg gjerne en tur innom for å se på skissen og bli inspirert av de lekre kreasjonene til DT.
Translated journaling: Hazel, alder and birch - Not exactly M's friends during spring.

Thank you for taking your time to stop by!
Takk for at du tok deg tid til å komme innom!
tirsdag 3. mai 2011
A VC (virtual crop) at MyScrapbookNook:
This is going to be WILD! I'm talking challenges, prizes , small talk, deadlines and tons of FUN! Please, pay us a visit and see for yourself. We want YOU to participate (and win one of the prizes, everybody like prizes, right?)becuase we want to KNOW you!
Feel free to ask any question!
Skissedilla picked my WTF-layout as a winner and I can put this banner on my blog sidebar (I'm like a child whenever I win anything, I become so happy and proud *lol*)
søndag 1. mai 2011
Den STORE utfordringen - The BIG challenge
Over at Scrappehuset there is an inspiration challenge going on. Here is this month's layout to be inspired from, made by -naop- (Australia).
Fantistisk layout, spør du meg. Det jeg la først la merke til var lagene, mistingen, blomster og knapper (og annen mer "tilfeldig" pynt) og fargen lilla. Så fikk jeg panikk: ikke bruker jeg mist, ikke kan jeg lag på lag og blomster hverken har jeg eller kan bruke, og å finne bilder og papir med lilla på i samlingen min, ja det er bortimot umulig. Så jeg la bort utfordringen. Men så ble jeg irritert på meg selv: en utfordring skal være en utfordring, og siden den var så vanskelig bestemte jeg meg for å sluttføre.
It's a fantastic layout if you ask me. What I first noticed was the layers, the misting, flowers and buttons (and some other "random" embellies and the color purple. Then I panicked: I don't mist or layer, I have have no flowers and have no clue on how to use them, and finding papers and photos with any purple in it in my collections is a mission impossible. So I put this challenge aside. Then I got mad at myself: a challenge is supposed to be challenging, and the fact that it is hard to do, is not a valuable excuse. So I decided to do it!

Nå hadde det seg slik at jeg hadde bursdag i forrige uke, og da sendte Nadia Cannizzo meg en stoooor pakke med blomster, litt bånd etc - hun vet at jeg er elendig med journaling og blomster og jeg tror hun skal forsøke å lære meg å mestre begge deler *lol*. Og så rotet jeg rundt og fant noen papirer med noe som lignet lilla i, og jammen hadde jeg et bilde med litt lilla i også.
Guess what: last week was my birthday and Nadia Cannizzo sent me a huuuuge present: lots of flowers, some ribbons etc - she knows I'm lousy at both journaling and using flowers, and a suspect that one of her projects this year is to learn me how to master both *lol*. I looked through my pps again, and found a few with a kind of purple in them, and I even found a matching photo!

Så da satte jeg i gang, la lag på lag etter beste evne og (etter Scoobie-standard) pøste på med blomster. Men jeg droppet misten. Og skal jeg være helt ærlig, så tror jeg det var tanken på å få kunne bruke knapper som reddet meg! For DET kan jeg.
So I started working, layered as good as I could and put on (according to the Scoobie standard) an enormous amount of flowers. But I did no misting. And to be honest: I think it was the idea of using buttons which saved my project: beacuse that is one thing I know how to use!

Så takk til Scrappehuset for en skikkelig god utfordring, og til alle andre som har bidratt til at denne layouten har kunnet se dagens lys!
So thank you to Scrappehuset for this great challenge, and to all of you others who have made it possible for this layout to be born!