M has had this long blond hear for a few years, and every time I have suggested a crew cut, he has been very determined about keeping his long hair. Until three weeks ago when he desided that enough was enough - he wanted short hair. So he had his hair cut.
Man, he was the talk of the week at school. His class mates were in complete shock and had spoken about this at home as if it was THE thing. Micheal Jackson returning would not have been talked about that much *lol*.
And I have spent a fortune on hair styling products so he can have the "right look".
So I give to you my first born, 11 years old on the 29th of October:

Did you notice the hanger? It's an altered trouser hanger from IKEA. Here is a close up (all materials from the MyScrapbooknook October Kit except hanger):

Oh, I almost forgot. I was cleaning up my scrap place the other day when I found a plastic bag from the hair dresser. I was to toss it away, but had a look in it, and what did I find? A sling from DS11's long hair. The hairdresser had given it to me as a keepsake, and I had forgotten all about it. I sometimes feel my brain has a non stick coating! And now I need to find some way to incorporate the sling to the finished layout above. Any suggestions?